Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Running is for crazy people.

You get blisters. Your legs are sore. You cramp. You sweat literal salt. Your feet kill. So why do it?

I've had my fair share of questions from friends and family asking "you're crazy why on earth would you want to run 26.2 miles." If racing interests you I'm sure you have too. So why do it? What answer do you give? Because its fun isn't going to cut it, it's apart of my lifestyle now sounds crazy, and quite frankly there isn't one specific reason.

Why do I do it?

  1. It is the time during the day that nothing else really matters. If something is bothering me the next thing to do is tie shoes to my feet. I get into a "zone" that clears my mind from all the stress and anxiety I may feel. Normally I don't run with other people, not that I don't like to but more so going on a long run is important to me in a different way. 
  2. Signing up for the next race keeps you accountable to keep up on your fitness as well. I'm not totally in shape and where I'd love to be and that's okay. I eat pizza at midnight and drink pitchers from the pub every once in awhile but if I'm in the (month before) homestretch I may only go out twice. 
  3. It may be expensive but it's cheaper than smoking (to put it in perspective).
  4. Getting that new pair of shoes is the greatest feeling in the world. Breaking them in is not. 
  5. That last month of training feeling knowing there's no turning back now. (Good luck getting that refund).
  6. That robotic feeling after mile four.
  7. Its exciting to talk to others about their personal experiences with running, marathons, triathlons, whatever the distance may be.

We all have our own reasons for doing what we enjoy. What's yours?

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